Edit vCenter 6.X and 7.X landing page

Edit your landing page

Want to add a little SPUNK to your vCenter landing page? Hard code the HTML 5 or FLASH links because your F5 load balancer is giving you grief? Heres a how to.

  1. Have PUTTY and WinSCP installed on your machine.
  2. Open PUTTY and connect to your vcenter
  3. Once your in via PUTTY type : chsh -s /bin/bash root
    – This will enable you to connect via WinSCP
  4. Connect to the vCenter via WinSCP
  5. Browse to : /etc/vmware-vpx/docRoot
  6. You will see an index.html file. This is the LANDING page for your vcenter (When you browse to https://your-awesome-vcenter.whatever.plop)

You can edit that index file however you like, I would just suggest you make a copy of the file as a backup before hand.

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